Friday, 30 May 2014

To the Tropic of Capricorn - Meekatharra to Newman

30th May 2014

Big drive north today and into the tropics.  The road was very monotonous with hundreds of kilometres between roadhouses.  The ground was the most barren we have seen in places, possibly due to overgrazing. Generally the desert is quite green with a thick cover of spinifex grass dotted with mulga trees.

Desert in Carnarvon Range region
As there is mining all the way along the Great Northern Highway we encountered several wide vehicles.  These are the ones you get off the road for!

This vehicle took up the entire highway
Newman is a BHP mining town, but not a bad size, so all services.  We are topped up with water, batteries are topped and everything charged ready for the next week in Karijini National Park where there are no services and the blog won't be updated for about 6 days.

Crossing the line

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