Saturday, 30 August 2014

Return to Perth - rain, and more rain

29th August 2014

Today we flew back to Perth after a relaxing month at home catching up with family, friends and the garden.

We will miss the grandchildren as they are such a delight.  Nicole kindly drove us to the airport, which was much appreciated.
Katherine (20 months)

The flight was late leaving Sydney [where it was still raining after 2.5 weeks of wet weather] but uneventful until we approached Perth.  The skies were leaden, pouring with rain and 30km winds so we had an exciting landing!

We picked up the newly raised caravan, which is now about 100mm higher off the ground and checked into the campsite, the same we stayed for our last 2 nights in Perth.
Joel (3 years)
Upon entering the van we were greeted with a floor awash with water and it took several minutes to work out where it was coming from.  In the pouring rain the outside vent of the rangehood was leaking.  Water was running off the roof and straight into the vent.  From there it was running through the base of the cupboards onto the floor.
Fortunately none of the storage contained anything that could not be dried out.  The sleeping bags were under the seats but luckily I had stored them in plastic garbage bags which had not leaked.

Anyway, poor John was out in the pouring rain drenched through despite a goretex raincoat and waterproof over-trousers.

Amelie (6 years) Nathan (7 years)

Eventually we stopped the leaking by a combination of covering the vent with tin foil to deflect the run off and chocking up the van to make the rain run to the other side.  Then began the mopping up operation.  We still don't understand why it leaked like this as we have had plenty of torrential rain the in the past with no problems.

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